Journey to Being Present
A year and a half ago I had a spiritual awakening. I realized that I wasn’t in touch with my own creativity. I had a very big shift during this time. As a result, I wrote my book Find More Strength: 5 Pillars to Unlock Unlimited Power and Happiness. It gives me those warm and fuzzy feelings when my friends and family share how my book has been a benefit to them. But the real sign of success for me was getting responses from people I didn’t know. People telling me how much my book is changing their lives. Seeing their transformation is so rewarding and valuable for me. Mentoring is another valuable tool that can provide inspiration to people.
In my experience I have found so much value in mentoring and mentoring. We all have blind spots and areas that we’re too close or stuck to. We can miss the big picture a lot more easier when this happens. We’re not perfect and always need to strive to improve. Having a coach by our side that we can trust and has insight can help us see those blind spots. It will also empower us to get over that obstacle we’re stuck on. Mentoring has been a huge positive force in my life.
Be More Effective To Yourself
It’s important to find something that will keep you centered. We need to use our brains in a way that keeps us centered. Keep a positive mindset around every challenge. Don’t give away your power too easy. Let yourself be empowered to stay positive and get through those tough times. Practice self-compassion and love yourself. It’s difficult to not take things personally and allow how other people treat us to be our happiness. Having self-awareness will allow you to be grounded and feel more fulfilled.
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