Apr 3, 2018 | meditation, mindfulness
Do you believe in higher consciousness? Imagine you had a microscope and a telescope. Tools with which you could empirically see what was going on in reality. To see how things are mind blowing-ly different from our perception. Like being able to see the human body as...
Jul 14, 2016 | meditation, Uncategorized, yoga
(Hint: That used to be me) When I first tried meditation, it was hell. Literally, it felt like the absolutely worst thing in the world. I sat there, wondering if everyone else was as miserable as I was, wondering how much longer we were to have to sit there, going...
Jun 11, 2016 | fitness, meditation
Every now and then, aka often, my schedule is just nuts between working full time, being a full time mom (no sitters), my husband’s crazy work schedule… and I can only squeeze in, say, 30 minutes of time to myself. Let me interject for a second — If...