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How A Little Thing Changed My Path

There’s so many things that can happen in our lives that spark change. It can be the smallest thing. Something so little once happened to me. I was in a bookstore when a book fell off the shelf and landed at my feet. This was the start of what changed my path. The book was called ‘A Path with Heart’ by Jack Kornfield. You hear stories like this all the time but this is a true story! I hadn’t had any exposure to mantra or Buddhism. Nor mindful breathing or even loving kindness.


The teachings of Jack Kornfield touched me very deep and changed my path. It wasn’t until I discovered Deepak Chopra that I felt something new within me. It propelled me forward on my journey. This brought me closer to meditation and yoga. When you open yourself to these methods you become calmer and find your center.

There’s many time we often get stuck because we feel trapped with no room to move. Remember to breathe. When we do this we find the space around us. Every breath creates space around all your problems. This is important to remember when feeling trapped between a rock and a hard place. Stop, sit still, and take slow deep breaths. You’ll begin to notice your space increasing and your mind is provided with more clarity.

What’s also important to ourselves is being conscious of what we put in our bodies. Our bodies are our vessel and not only feed our body but our mind. Avoid food that’s “edible” and not real food. Real food fuels your mind and body.

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