Peace Power Parenting Ambassador Program
What People Are Saying
To sign up for the Peace Power Ambassador Program, click below.
You will unlock a 50% discount for you to sign up for the program (and if you already signed up, you will get a complimentary 1-1 session with me).
With so much love and gratitude,
Have Ownership and Accountability
Having ownership and accountability is important. When something goes wrong we need to own it and not blame it on other people. Even if it seems out of your control, the skill to be aware and hold yourself accountable gives you the opportunity to continue to learn. By...
Respect Your Fear
With being an entrepreneur comes risks. The thing is, there's no risks without fear. You need to take risks in order to grow and be successful. We know that there's no avoiding fear. However we can ask ourselves, how can we face it and move forward? The answer is...
Prioritize Self Care
At some point if you're not caring for yourself, your ability to lead and be creative will be compromised. Many people very focused on outward achievement. They're wiling to sacrifice self care because they feel like they can or have to. Prioritize self care. Tell...