This life thing is TRICKY.
And we really are in it together.
It is all grace.
It's been messy, and that's a good thing.
Formerly proud to be “Type-A” outwardly powerful overachiever, rusher, pusher, definitely reckless at times, fitness and nutrition fanatic, intellectual, mom community organizer, business leader… turned equally inwardly powerful, calm, clear, happy AF, equally strong as hell in mind, body and spirit, and yet still somewhat disorganized with dates and horrible at pronouncing names.
My journey includes a lot of darkness, being lost, making huge mistakes, being in deep pain, being 10 pants sizes bigger, wishing I could just run away or die, balanced by even more joy, crazy fun adventures, ridiculous blessings, brilliant learning and a ton of hard work.
Get the FREE 7 minute morning meditation
Realign in the amount of time it takes to brew your morning cup of joe.
My gift to you, just for being your authentically awesome self!
On paper, you know that your life is awesome. You have it better than 90% of humans on the planet.... yet, you aren’t completely happy and don’t really feel empowered to achieve your greatest life vision. Something is missing. You are more surviving than thriving. In her book, Find More Strength: 5 Pillars to Unlock Unlimited Power and Happiness, Pamela Gold provides an inner roadmap to reclaiming your power and finding unlimited happiness in your life.
or order the book on amazon
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Have Ownership and Accountability
Having ownership and accountability is important. When something goes wrong we need to own it and not blame it on other people. Even if it seems out of your control, the skill to be aware and hold yourself accountable gives you the opportunity to continue to learn. By...
Respect Your Fear
With being an entrepreneur comes risks. The thing is, there's no risks without fear. You need to take risks in order to grow and be successful. We know that there's no avoiding fear. However we can ask ourselves, how can we face it and move forward? The answer is...
Prioritize Self Care
At some point if you're not caring for yourself, your ability to lead and be creative will be compromised. Many people very focused on outward achievement. They're wiling to sacrifice self care because they feel like they can or have to. Prioritize self care. Tell...