Choose your actions wisely.

Choose your actions wisely.

It’s fundamentally true and so critical, but most of the time we don’t realize it: every action we take is creating our life. If we choose to work or choose to procrastinate, if we choose to be brave and have the tough conversation or if we choose to stay...
Handling something like Tribeca.

Handling something like Tribeca.

Halloween on Tuesday, as we got our kids ready to head out trick or treating, we got word about what was happening in Tribeca.  Running into other parents, asking in hushed voices if there was any update, wondering if anyone else was worried about taking the kids out...
Dealing with Past Pain

Dealing with Past Pain

Our past is IMPORTANT.  Everything that has every happened is a learning opportunity and we want to get as much out of it as possible. That means facing the pain of whatever happened as openly and honestly as possible and taking full responsibility for how it provided...
We are limited by our perceived limitations

We are limited by our perceived limitations

Yes, there are real, true limitations but most of us will never come against those real limitations because we stop far short of that level of accomplishment.   Our brain says “I can’t” and we believe it, so we don’t really strive. We...
Getting Stuck on Why

Getting Stuck on Why

Particularly when something painful happens, we desperately want to understand WHY and HOW.   It is a natural, vital, survival mechanism:  we seek a reasonable, understandable CAUSE for the pain, so we can give ourselves a sense of security.  If we can understand...
Take your power back.  Now.

Take your power back.  Now.

We don’t realize it, because if we did, we would make this our TOP PRIORITY.   I am talking about taking our power back.  I am talking about to STOP giving our power away to things and people that we do not in any way want to empower, and instead, to keep the...
It’s all about inside out.

It’s all about inside out.

One of the fundamental reasons why we suffer and why we don’t achieve all that we can achieve is that we do not intrinsically feel worthy of love, or “good enough” from the inside out — I will repeat that, because it is so important.  We need...
Back to the basics

Back to the basics

Many years ago I started on this quest for health and happiness, and naturally started from the outside in, because that is what our culture focuses on. Look good, feel good, right? So I educated myself on nutrition and exercise and made the changes that led to a huge...
How I really feel about the new Taylor Swift song.

How I really feel about the new Taylor Swift song.

I’ve been a fan of Taylor Swift since I took Talia to her Speak Now concert at MSG in 2012. She was so positive and gracious and talented musically.  I thought that she was a fabulous role model for young girls.  She made positive music, was generous and...
Focus on your Core Values

Focus on your Core Values

Have you given much thought to your core values?   These principles or virtues are like points on a compass, keeping us on track when things are stormy or unclear.   They dictate how we want to live — both internally and externally — and empower us to be...

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Learn the keys to navigating those tough moments with more grace so you can marvel at how healthy, happy, kind and resilient your child can be.

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