
Being present is a practice.  Remembering to pay attention to your attention, is HARD.  The details, noise, issues all around us suck us in and we can get lost really quickly.  By lost, I mean stuck in our minds, stuck on auto-pilot, stuck reacting instead of mindfully responding with grace.  Forgetting that we are so lucky even in the worst of circumstances.  Forgetting to breathe, sometimes a few times, before responding to a tricky situation.

I’ve never been a jewelry person (or a makeup person, in case you were wondering), but if you have seen me lately you may have noticed that now don a lot of trinkets 😉

There’s this big amethyst ring, for one — my sweet husband was driving me to the office the other morning and he noticed it and remarked: “Isn’t that annoying to wear?”  And I was like, “Yeah, it is, and that is why I wear it.”  I then explained that I wear it to help me remember to be present.  To be grateful.  To surrender.  To stay open minded.

Because guys, I can’t stress this enough.  This inner peace/ being present thing is REALLY HARD.  It is a constant practice.  Our brains never actually shut up, they keep going with often very unhelpful thoughts.  I have been practicing meditation daily for three years now and it gets easier for sure, but I still have to do whatever I can to keep the practice up.

Besides the huge ring, I also have about 10 of those Satya stretch bracelets that I wear on one wrist, and big mala beads that I actually do not like the look of at all but man, those things keep me present.  I mix them all up so I don’t get too used to them, because that would defeat the purpose.

So, I am giving you a fun assignment — pick out something (jewelry?  ribbon?  rubber bands?  up to you!)  that will annoy you! That you can’t ignore!  That will break you out of auto-pilot so remember to be present.  So you remember to be grateful.  So you remember how magical you are.  And that you have the power to be present and make the most of every moment.

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