Forsight. Hindsight. Insight.

Blame always undermines greatness.

I talk about blame a lot because it is such a common defense mechanism, hard wired from birth it seems to protect our fragile sense of being good enough, feeling "safe".  We do it often without even realizing that we do it, it can be really...

Trust Life. Continue to Work Your Ass Off.

Trusting life instead of worrying doesn't mean you stop working your ass off, and it doesn't mean that you don't address the things that need your attention. I have found that this is a sticking point for many, as it was for me for awhile, so I...

If you can’t change the person…

You know the old adage, you can't try and change the person you love? That is true, we have to figure out how to love them exactly where and how they are. And that is hard and sometimes leaves us feeling trapped and dis-empowered (aka, unhappy)....

Music from our childhood holds keys to our present health.

I was driving in San Jose today, on a In-N-Out run, and a classic rock station was on.  The first song that come on was Take the Long Way Home by Supertramp.  That song was pure joy from my childhood.  Everyone in my family loved that song, and...

Putting It Together: Respecting Feelings AND Boundaries

We all have a right to our feelings and we need to respect those feelings, both our own and others - but we need to hold ourselves and others to skillfully respond/handle those emotions in a constructive way.  Skillfully navigate our feels by...

Boundaries. We gotta talk about those.

Last week I wrote about how respecting feelings is essential for health -- well, there's an equally important other side of this equation, and that is about boundaries. This is exponentially harder than simply respecting feelings, because it...

Why is Respecting Feelings Vital to Health?

We cannot be healthy without respecting our feelings,  and we can't have healthy relationships without respecting the feelings of the people in our lives, and having them reciprocate by respecting our feelings. And yet, this is something that I...

The Power of Flow aka Being in the Zone.

You know when you see a basketball player go on a hot streak, sinking three after three in an unbelievable, super human feat of accuracy and consistency? In Find More Strength, I talk a lot about the 5 pillars -- 5 practices to help us build...

Wonder Woman Inspiration: Are we deserving?

It’s not about deserve, it’s about what you believe. And I believe in love. - Wonder Woman If you haven't yet seen Wonder Woman, don't worry, I won't spoil it for you... but I will share one quote that happens at a key point in the film, that...


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Have Ownership and Accountability

Having ownership and accountability is important. When something goes wrong we need to own it and not blame it on other people. Even if it seems out of your control, the skill to be aware and hold yourself accountable gives you the opportunity to continue to learn. By...

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Respect Your Fear

With being an entrepreneur comes risks. The thing is, there's no risks without fear. You need to take risks in order to grow and be successful. We know that there's no avoiding fear. However we can ask ourselves, how can we face it and move forward? The answer is...

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Prioritize Self Care

At some point if you're not caring for yourself, your ability to lead and be creative will be compromised. Many people very focused on outward achievement. They're wiling to sacrifice self care because they feel like they can or have to. Prioritize self care. Tell...

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